
This site’s informational fact-based content presents how one can move one’s secured God-endowed rights when it is necessary to access natural-law-based justice from the present court system in the State of Michigan body-corporate governmental association, which is likely very similar to the courts in other such States. Our “History Section B” found on the sidebar of this site presents the difference between the State of Michigan and Michigan (the State in the Union), both established as a public Trust but that function under a different form of law. People in the States of the Union interact together under the Public Law, meaning the unwritten natural law of conscience. All State bodies corporate are franchises of the commerce-based federal Trust that functions under the laws of commerce that we term Private Law, meaning written rules of conduct established by a body of persons to which all people who associate in that Trust are subject. Our focus is on state-level courts, but the content applies to federal-level courts too. “Remedeemer” (pronounced: rem e deem' er) is the combination of “rem”, a legal term that means a court action about or against 'the thing' within the commerce-based Trust, and “redeemer” as one who lawfully establishes one's own right to be free from subjugation to a court process that was begun from someone's presumption that one acts via a legal persona pertaining to the thing. As the host of this site, I especially welcome you Readers who are beginning to explore how to protect your God-endowed rights now that you’re realizing what you thought were your fundamental rights are instead being treated as mere social privileges by governors and per rulings made by court officers. All Readers are encouraged to view the new file found on the sidebar, titled: Timeline of the two governmental Trust associations. It provides the date-specific historic events that established our original and still-functioning governmental Trust (beginning with the 1776 Declaration of Independence) merged with our exposure of the events that gave rise to our form of government and what has caused foreign persons and entities since then to establish the separate commerce-based federal Trust structure. Along with others, the host of this website operates Michigan's updated original (c.1835) republican form of civilian government, based from New Buffalo township, Michigan. That informational website is ministryofnewbuffalotownship.org

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Our Response to valuable Comments and Inquiries received from our Readers

We thank our Readers for engaging with the content of this site and then sending us emails seeking additional interaction with us. The best way we can respond is in the following format, which everyone may find beneficial. 

Reader Comment one: The more one understands, the simpler it gets, but getting to that level of understanding is overwhelming for the vast majority of people. 

Our Response to Comment one: Comprehending the root matter is actually simple, even if it's somewhat shocking to realize. But the American people are more able to accept and assimilate that knowledge than you may realize. That’s because we’re in a spiritual war, not just a political one. Maturing spiritually is not a communal undertaking, since everyone grows at his or her own pace. People who are now awake and acting as Protesters within the State of Michigan for instance (the socialist form of Trust association) grasp that a serious governmental problem exists, so they just need to be informed that the root of the problem is the fact that two separate governmental associations / Trusts exist. Operating our republican form of government has been our responsibility since 1776. The relatively small percentage of us who are the currently-functioning Michigan government (functioning at all times in our private capacity, each of us being equal and abiding in Divine Law that forms the Public Law) are providing the population at large a welcoming society here into which to return and enjoy the benefit of side-by-side self-government. 

Reader Comment two: l understand that there needs to be made clear the distinction between Power and Authority. What I’m concerned with is that the balance between them is rapidly changing to the point of irrelevance of authority. For example, per the mandate of wearing masks and forced vaccinations, etc. there is a massive shift toward the Power side. We have the Nuremberg codes/laws, but they ignore them. I know there are a lot of issues that belong under one Trust or the other, but I see a 3rd umbrella on the scene, the “Power Trust.”

Our Response to Comment two: There is no “Power Trust”, because the persons who established the Private Law Trust (State of Michigan, for instance) can only entice men and women to choose to abandon their own power and duty to be the Michigan government and choose instead to place trust in those other persons’ governing power. To place trust is to use one’s authority to grant reliance on others to move for one about one’s interests. “Authority” is defined by the root word “author”. We are each an immortal soul/spirit having physical experiences to gradually become Godlike, and while we’re in this realm we are the author who uses our inherent liberty of conscience to choose how we direct our energy per which we move all of our interests. “Power” is subject to the preexistence of a Right. A right is derived from a Duty. Humans are commanded by the Creator to not steal, for instance, as the Public Law duty from which we each gain the right to use appropriate power against someone who is stealing what belongs to us. Within the Private Law Trust, people acting from the status of voter/citizen/transactor have provided the office-holders with power to govern every aspect of their life, so there is no office-holder disregard of the peoples’ authority. Pertaining to the Nuremberg Code, since COVID-related policies only apply to participants in the Private Law Trust, officers therein are performing a duty that they or their advisors determine is their empowered right to do (which can frequently change). The 1963 Michigan Constitution, the written contract pertaining to the conduct of all participants within the State of Michigan, describes the power given to each public Office. That Constitution clearly defines the socialist mission of the Private Law Trust per its Article I Section 1: “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their [the participants'] equal benefit, security and protection.” Contrast that with the 1835 Michigan Constitution’s God-centered mission statement pertaining to each one of the people: “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted [by the people themselves] for the protection, security, and benefit of the people; and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, and to abolish one form of government and establish another, whenever the public good requires it.”. 

Reader Inquiry one: Can you expand on the “pass through” use of the all-capitalized name of a man or woman that you identify as being a Cestui Que Vie Trust?

Our Response to Inquiry one: The pass-through use of that Trust construction is a critically important right possessed by men and women who are the government of a State in the Union, such as Michigan, in relation to the function of office-holders in the welfare-based Private Law Trust association such as the State of Michigan that operates in accordance with the international law of commerce. The Cestui Que Vie Trust is an individual Trust created for a participant within the Private Law Trust association; as is explained in our “History Section B” accessed from the sidebar of this site, an individualized Trust is established by the secular birth registration of a baby for that grownup human’s use of it to transact his interests (moved per his energy in the form of labor or money) within the Federal Reserve System, the federal-level Trust wherein the State of Michigan exists as a franchise. The French word cestui means "he or she”, que means “who”, and vie pertains to “life, or existence”. So the phrase means he or she for whose benefit a Trust is created, or in others words, a beneficiary.

The origin of this welfare form of Trust is the British 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act, which can be found online. It benefited persons who were presumed lost at sea or dead from the great London fire of 1665. The Act established that the Monarch would hold the title to all of such missing person’s property rights pertaining to the person’s estate and would operate the estate for him. If the person who was presumed dead, but who actually existed as living, made the proof of his living ability to operate his own estate known to a high-level governing authority, the person reacquired the title to all of his prior property rights. The same provisions exist within the Federal Reserve System established here in 1935.

All that the office-holders in the Private Law Trust do is provide the Benefit of governing services to the participants, because the participants are without ownership of life. In other words, a participant in that Trust is not self-governing his private and social interests (his earthly estate). The office-holders utilize the internal individualized Cestui Que Vie Trust named to identify the participant as a vessel that holds all of the participant’s energy, even though the office-holder may be concerned with only a particular amount of energy therein concerning the participant’s right or a duty to do something or cease doing something. The vessel is spelled in all upper-case letters because it’s a thing that links with the vessel/account pertaining to the energy of another participant or to all of the participants in the Private Law Trust designated for instance as STATE OF MICHIGAN or PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN (this applies when the dignity of all of the participants is offended by one participant’s conduct). The legislators in the State of Michigan, termed “law makers”, create the governing policies as the Benefit to be provided via the individualized Trust accounts.

Those of us people who comprise the government of Michigan have not pledged any energy into the Cestui Que Vie Trust (CQVT) vessel established for people who transact their energy in the State of Michigan. We have given notice of our ownership of life – our complete ownership of all of our energy – and our self-governing political status. So, when it’s necessary for us to communicate with officers of the State of Michigan or the federal-level of that commerce-based Trust about some situation, they must recognize that we have the established right to do so per “special visitation” with them to provide them truth, which is how we comply with our Public Law duty to keep the Peace. The means per which we visit with them is by making temporary pass-through use of the individual CQVT that internally exists in their Trust (but does not exist in our Public Law Trust) for linking our rights and duties secured by the Public Law with their duty of office secured under their Private Law that they energize from within the CQVT vessel/account that pertains to their function (such as the HONORABLE JOHN J. JONES). In other words, the only purpose of our use of an empty CQVT vessel that otherwise does not pertain to us is for charitably allowing “like” things to connect as the conduit for the back-and-forth communications.

A judicial officer in the State of Michigan – who is tasked to administrate individual CQVT accounts pertaining to a case that houses an “action” (meaning, a transaction) usually begun by a participant against another participant – must recognize the Public Law rights and duties of those of us people who provide fact-based documented notice that we associate as the government of Michigan and are not participants in the State of Michigan societal Trust. In that circumstance, the assigned judicial officer must act to nullify an internal case and the underlying action brought by someone unless the claimant provided the documented evidence that invoked a court’s Private Law jurisdiction over us as a component of the complaint. If the judicial officer otherwise proclaims we are subject to Private Law, the officer acts outside the scope of his/her governmental function and can be held personally liable for the harm done to our interests (his/her unauthorized use of our energy), and held officially liable for the maladministration of the CQVT that is just the conduit for our ability to express our right to obtain justice under the Public Law. If we must visit a court per our special visitation right as a plaintiff who presents that an individual who is subject to Private Law (as well as to the Public Law of Peace) has harmed our interests, the judicial officer must utilize the Private Law in a manner that does not violate our Public Law rights; to clarify, the officer does not advocate for us, since we are responsible for presenting the facts ourselves.

Reader Inquiry two: Does a sheriff ‘wear two hats’ in order to uphold the rule of law pertaining to the Bill of Rights in the federal Constitution?

Our Response to Inquiry two: No, a sheriff acts at all times with ‘one hat’ on. That officer’s power exists only under the rule of Private Law. The Bill of Rights pertains to the Public Law and the self-governing people who form the government in the several States in the Union. Those ten inclusive Amendments enumerate the negative rights of federal-level officers, so they do not exceed their delegated powers. Some of the Bill of Rights, such as “due process” for instance (Amendment V), pertain to people who are participants in the Private Law Trust (such as the State of Michigan), but the implementation is governed by the welfare-based design of that Trust.

Once a sheriff is presented with the fact that a man or woman associates as the government of a State in the Union, the sheriff must utilize the Private Law duty to refrain from subjecting that man or woman to the wrong set of rights and duties, as the sheriff’s means of upholding the integrity of Private Law and obeying the Public Law that maintains Peace. If a sheriff observes, or is called to protect someone who is not subject to Private Law, a violation of that one’s Public Law rights being committed by a prosecutor or even a judicial officer within the Private Law Trust, the sheriff has the duty to intervene in aid of the distressed man or woman and make an arrest (which means stop the continuation) of that official’s misconduct. If the sheriff observes any man or woman violating the Public Law, then the offender’s conduct becomes subject to being controlled under Private Law if the harmed party is protected by the Private Law, or if the Peace of the public at large is endangered.

All officers of the Private Law Trust – and especially sheriffs, since those officers can act to prevent harm being done to people – must comprehend that since the Public Law is current law and the Private Law is also current law, then the only way that Private Law does not violate the Public Law is the recognition of the right possessed by each of the American people to consent to associate within one or the other governmental Trusts.

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